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Sourcing your tax return preparation to GKM ensures control, high quality, accuracy, cost savings, and ease through a robust two-tier review process.

GKM's experienced tax team can prepare returns while your in-house staff focuses on review and consulting, audit, and other higher value-add services. GKM can prepare corporate, partnership, fiduciary, and individual tax returns.

Benefits of partnering with GKM

Increased business volumes

Boost business volume with faster tax return delivery and quicker revenue flow.

Higher productivity

Increase productivity & profitability by freeing up your firm's talent to focus on higher-value client services.

Instant scaling

Sourcing allows you to meet workload demands during the busy season without adding / augmenting idle capacity.

Minimize cost

Minimize costs, maximize profits, and gain a competitive edge with GKM's affordable, quality tax preparation services.

Seamless and rapid transition

We use your tax software and follow your engagement rules. You retain final review and client interactions.

Process solutions

Tax Preparation

Gain more time to strategize. Offload the mundane and non-value added parts of tax prep to your team at GKM

Tax planning

Provide optimized services to your clients by leveraging the tax planning skills of your larger team

Tax review

Why spend your strategic time on reviewing documents when your team at GKM can do it for you?

Tax projection

Don’t miss a single deadline. Our support team will ensure that estimates are paid on time to minimize penalties

Nexus study

Determine state filing requirements through a nexus study with GKM's help


Provide cross border services to customers. Tap into our global footprint of partners with knowledge of international taxation


Spend your precious time in clients' boardrooms while our team provides back-office support for issue and notice resolutions with the IRS.


Our team will handle the research, allowing you to focus on client satisfaction while ensuring the work is done efficiently.


Tax Return Services

Individuals – Form 1040, 1040A, 1040EZ, 1040NR

Partnerships – Form 1065

Fiduciaries – Form 1041

Corporation Tax Preparation – Form 1120 & 1120S

Charities & Non-Profits – Form 990

Estate & Gift Taxes – Form 706

Tax Preparation Services

Arrangement of source documents in digital file cabinet

Arrangement of source documents in client portal

Review of returns

Preparation of draft tax returns

Entry/Import of tax data into tax software

Tax calculation worksheets

We use the same software that you do

Get in touch with us now for a no-frills attached pilot of our tax preparation services.

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